
Revisiting the Benefits of International Diversification

Ever since the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, when the correlation of all risky assets rose toward 1, investors have been hearing that because of globalization, the world has become flat and the benefits of diversification are gone. The explanation is generally that the world market has become more integrated and financial markets more globalized….

Retirement Tips for a Long Lifetime

Women face all the same issues that men face in retirement, plus they have additional complicating factors. Larry Swedroe and Katie Keary address these factors and offer tips to help even the scales. Find it on By clicking on any of the links above, you acknowledge that they are solely for your convenience, and…

Persistence Among Active Funds Is Hard To Come By

New report, same old story. Larry Swedroe unpacks highlights from the most recent SPIVA scorecard that offer still more powerful evidence of active management’s continued failure to persistently outperform. Since 2002, S&P Dow Jones Indices has published its biannual Indices Versus Active (SPIVA) reports, which compare the performance of actively managed equity funds to their appropriate index…

Maintaining a Globally Diversified Portfolio

Given their long underperformance relative to U.S. stocks, some investors may be questioning whether it makes sense to own international equities. Jared Kizer looks at five reasons why you should remain committed to a globally diversified approach. Since the financial crisis of 2008, U.S. equities have earned substantially higher returns than international equities. Ken French’s…

Mutual Fund Benchmark Discrepancies Can Fool Investors

Some active mutual funds have prospectus benchmarks that understate risk and, thus, overstate relative performance. Larry Swedroe unpacks a study that explores how such funds benefit from that overstatement at investors’ expense. Evaluating the performance of actively managed mutual funds generally involves comparing a product’s results with some passive benchmark (the SEC requires that funds…